Thursday, April 14, 2011

OK, Now Everything's in Motion.

Low and behold to my surprise yesterday evening! I come home from work, do my watering of the front flowers, turn the corner and growth abounds! I must say I was taken aback by all of the plants really taking off from Sunday.

Green Beans are up, and a close-up of the sprout says I don't lie.... most of the time anyway.

Peas are up too. I swear that there was nothing three days ago. Now it looks like rest time is over as now I have to make some trellises for these things.

A bloom on one of my bucket cukes! Glad to see this but now it means teepee time.

Shots of the new bed and plants. They have really thrived in the last few days. The squash especially. 

Radishes are up now and I'd say about 3 weeks for harvest.

First tubers are up. Got to start mounding on these things.
Lettuce and cabbage are looking real good too. 
Finally ending on my Moonflowers. Had to help them escape their seed shells but once I did, they have really spread out. 
As I said, it was a pleasant surprise to see the growth happen at once! I still have 3 German Johnson tomato plants, a couple Better Boy, and a few hot peppers and if I could find the room they'd go in the ground! Off to see what needs to be built for trellises and tomato stakes, then it is seed order time for my fall crop planting. May plant a lot more Romas this fall for canning. Anyone ever can them before?

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! Love your beds. Glad to see sprouts. Good luck with your storm! Protect those little guys and they'll give you great produce in return!
