Met with the real estate agent Friday afternoon to look for our next homestead. The wife ended up getting some kind of stomach bug thing and spent most of the day in bed, so the youngest boy and myself rode around Johnston County while learning all of the good places to eat. We saw about 7 to 8 homes of varying sizes, prices, and features. The problem with the growth in this area is that it seems 90% of the homes are in developments. He did show us an older farm house with a barn but it needed work and was priced too much. He did his search for the homes that listed few covenants so we would be able to do pretty much what we want. There were 3 that stood out from that day. He also gave me a folder of more to look at while home this weekend. Today the wife is feeling somewhat better so she picked out a few to look at. We got a hold of the real estate agent and he is showing us those tomorrow plus we'll go back to the ones I liked. Wish us luck. We have to move pretty quickly on this as it takes about 30-60 days to get this process complete.
On the garden front, the seed propagation seems to be doing very well. The tomato seedlings are coming right on up.
Now I have to see if I can get them planted this year. Another reason for an early move! I have to tear down my beds here and get some built at the new place.
Flowers are getting pretty close to being moved in a permanent container.
The oldest boy shipped out to Twentynine Palms Wednesday evening to start their next phase of training. Taken from the website "MCAGCC is the home of the Marine Corps’ Mojave Viper. Mojave Viper is a 30-day combination of the Revised Combined Arms Exercises and the Security and Stability Operations training formerly conducted at March Air Reserve Base, Calif." There you go. He did send a picture of his and his rackmate, Muck. Short for Muckinhiem or something like that. I think they are out there for a month.
Last but not least, we think the WOF is suspecting that something is up. Been kinda depressed at times lately. But with her it's hard to tell.
Can't wait to see what you decide on!