Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It's December?

Yes, I believe it is that date; December 1st, 2015. It has been a while since I have been blogging I know but life has been keeping me very busy lately. With the upcoming holidays I don't see it slowing down at all. Let me go back to my last big post and see what's changed since then....
Wow, it has been a while. August Harvest Monday. I don't have my spreadsheet with me at work so that'll be on the next post, finishing off summer crops. We did get some plantings in for this fall; red cabbage, turnips and lettuce (which we need to cut on and use.) We've been fairly fortunate with the weather so far but I see freezing temperatures coming up soon. We also planted some garlic to over- winter for late spring pickings. Our garlic last year did wonderful and these are looking good so far.

Turnips a growing.

Thought I had a picture of the garlic but alas I do not. 

All of the fall plantings are also part of my youngest son's FFA course project. Actually excited that he choose to join FFA this year. A lot of farms around us but mostly tobacco, cotton, and sweet potatoes, mainly due to the soil we have here. Property that goes up for sale is usually very expensive per acre. Starting at $5,000.00 per acre is not unreasonable. 

Planting his crops.


View from earlier in the fall. 

Seed catalogs have slowly been pouring in the last few days. Seems they're getting a jump this year. Park Seed, Totally Tomatoes (looked at this last night), and Baker Creek have arrived. I saved a lot of seeds from last year for what I wanted to plant this year. I did share some of my True Black Brandywine and Pink Brandywine with another person on Heirloom and Organic Seed Exchange on Facebook. I can't seem to grow them here in the Sandhills well. I do have some Solar Flare seeds if someone is interested. Not all of them as we are planting those again this year! 
Definitely cutting down on the size of the garden this year, back to a manageable size. It was just too much for me this year with all of the other things I have going on. Someday though, it's all that I'll be doing. With the way things are going all around us, I may have convinced my wife of off- grid lifestyle and start this sooner. Almost. I honestly believe some people are getting nuttier. Of course I may seem that way to them :) I am looking for property on the side in a location suitable for retirement, etc that we can work on as we go for now. We'll see.
Started another new exercise program (yes I still do it) and man it's a killer. Arms feeling it today.

Thrift store find of the year so far. $1.06 and its handy as we like to cook a lot this way. Saves time in the evenings. 

Welp that's it for now. Gotta do a couple other things and get back to work. Have a good one. 

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