Sunday, September 22, 2024

September is Full

 It is September and it is full. Full of things to do. I haven't posted in a while so there are some updates to come. 

Garden has suffered so much that we pretty much gave up. Last post was about all the rain we had in July up to that point. We it kept raining. We recorded the 9th hottest July on record and 11th wettest. Then August rolled in and the rains continued. Tropical storm Debby came by and sat on us for two days, delivering another 5" to 6" of rain. The high temperatures came back with temps hovering around 95. Safe to say July and August were terrible. September started off fine then another system came in and dumped 7" of rain on us in a day. As of right now, September is full. We are full for the rest of the year. 

Flowers have been enjoying the rain and temperatures. Chickens being chickens. But the best is that the fire ants have come back with a vengeance. We poured killer on all of the nests we could find before the big rain. Now those are gone but we have as many or if not more new ones now. They have been non- existent most of the year. If you don't have them, count yourself lucky. They sting and hurt. 

We have a big event coming up this coming weekend in Benson, NC. Mule Days brings about 60,000 visitors to a town of 4,000 over three days. We'll be there watching the parade and eating foods we shouldn't. 

Online business is slow but it usually is this time of year. We got our LLC a few months ago and plan on changing some things up and really concentrating on the business. We also looked at a building in Benson that is currently empty. It is large but needs a lot of work. I will have this in another post. On to the photos. 

Like I said, the flowers are doing good. Especially the marigolds. we have talked numerous times about becoming marigold farmers. 

Chickens love their worms. 

Here's a before and after of the fire ant nest. I ran my shoe over it before the second photo. Trust me, they are there.

Marigold in the garden beds. I was also able to save some onions and the peppers are hanging on.

Last but not least we had to trade in the original WOFmobile. She had many miles on here for a truck and was starting to give me problems as I was fixing her. So the next WOF2 is our new ride for years to come. She is a bit bigger than the old one. 

WOF of the Week. I am apparently the weakest link when someone has food. 

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