And a few images of what we've been getting.
Saturday night's supper was with our newly picked lettuce; Southwest chicken salad! Growing Buttercrunch for the first time and it is doing wonderful.
I have been thinking a lot about next year's garden; the layout, what to grow, where to grow it, etc. One thing I can say is that we need to grow A LOT more than we grow now. It is the middle of November and we are starting to get low on some items that we put away for the winter already. We limited space in the yard I had thought about contacting the power company to see if they would 'lease' me some room under the power lines up the road from the house. It is main tension lines that have about a 60'-0" wide right of way. I have read somewhere where it is possible to ask permission to use these right of ways in exchange for say $10.00 a year lease? It's less for them to mow and upkeep and more room for me. I may choose to go this route. I'll get a picture sometime and let you see how big this right of way is.
Kinda bland. I need some more 'something.' The building will be at the far end but I still need more out there.
Cotton ready for picking. The Wife 'borrowed' a few stalks for her crafting enterprise/decorating.
And on continuation of last week's happenings around here (wife lost job, boy injures self) I had an exciting Thursday evening driving up from SC. Can't say too much yet but it would be the third thing. Sometimes...................................................................
WOF of the Week. This is how evenings are spent in our house. The Wife calls it Woflandia.
I can't say too much. I was in Woflandia yesterday. Good day for a day off from everything.
Go to Daphne's Dandelions to see what others are harvesting from their gardens this week.
Well that's it for now kids. Hope your weeks are better than mine have been lately :)
I like the idea of leasing land from power co. I, too, plan to expand the garden. We have already run out of salsa. This is a TRAGEDY, because my husband and I love salsa. My kids don't care much for it. If we run out of pickles, they will be much more upset. Cheers.