Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back and Forth, and Back Again

Well, the oldest boy got out of Parris Island, spent about 10 days with us and processed in at Camp Geiger, Jacksonville, NC. Had some time for him here and spent a weekend in WV with family.

Taken at the House.

Upper pictures are from the WV trip. One at the table is from an established restaurant in our hometown. The bottom one is with both Grandfathers. Says he likes what he's doing now (gets to shoot) so hopefully it will be more than what he expected!

The youngest boy just turned 13 a few days ago (that's him 4 pictures up) and a new game system was in the works. He had a few friends come and they played all night. Looked like a bomb went off in the living room but that's all right. You got to party sometimes. Hard to believe he's 13! And as tall as me.

Got some gardening work done around the house this past Friday afternoon/evening. Picked up some pansies and a few mums at the store and cleaned up the front of the house. My Morning Glories are doing great too and I love looking at them every morning when I leave for work.

As you can see, things are really looking good. I love to see things grow I suppose. Makes the event feel special at times knowing that you did what you could but nature really knows it's stuff.

The garden (or what there is of one) seems to be plodding along right now. With the groundhog affair past us now (meaning he must be done eating my tomatoes) everything else seems to be doing well. I have peppers out the ying yang right now. And the Tomatilos have really taken over too. I still don't know what I'm going to do with these things. The green beans have sprouted up pretty good and I have been thinking of getting some lettuce started for this fall. I will say that the seeds I got from Gurneys are fantastic. I plan on getting most of my stuff for next year from them. I am looking for some flowers I can grow over the winter just to keep busy. Also have some Hollyhocks that I need to get started.

What did I say about the peppers! Hopefully we can freeze a lot this year.

Green Beans are doing as good as I said. Hope to get some off the plants before the first freeze. 

Banana peppers (sweet) are overloaded on the vines. I actually picked some off after taking the picture.

More of the green beans in the corner. This is where the corn was until the storm blew them down!

Speaking of storms, this is the aftermath of a storm a few evenings ago. I just thought the sky looked suspiciously ominous so I snapped it. 

WOF of the Week.
Well, to say she's been screwed up lately is an understatement. With us in and out of the house and our great neighbors watching her, she has been out of it. It took me a while to find a good picture to show her mood as of late but here it is.....

Showing "mean teeth." 

That's it for now but I will do one tomorrow night with some more info. 

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