Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween, Beggoween or whatever else you want to call it. We don't get the kids like we used to. The Wife said last year we got one at the new homestead. Maybe a couple more this year. Who knows but we will be armed with a lot of candy. More for us you see :)
This does bring back memories of a few years ago (maybe more) when we still lived in WV. We would head over to The Wife's parents house and trick or treat some houses there. I also distinctly recall that there neighbors on the left side of them never gave out candy. Mind you he wasn't the nicest of people although I wasn't too sure about her. What I remember about her is her blue hair. I kid you not, it was definitely blue. Anyway when trick or treat time came around, these grown- up older adults would turn off all of their lights upstairs and would go sit in the darkness of their basement. I guess the costumes scared them. I don't know as there were probably a lot of reasons for their non- participation. My point is really no point, more of a hope. I hope I never, ever act in that manner. There's nothing better than seeing kids having a good time. And candy? Who can resist?
Clowns are a different story. I hate clowns.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sustainability Class and More Links

Well I finally went and did it. I completed my online class; "Sustainable Agriculture:Basic Principles and Concept Overview." I had been wanting to take classes like this for a while and seem to have found a website that has this and a lot of other programs on it, most for free. The class I took was about 2-2 1/2 hrs long and it had a test at the end, in which I missed three. Got my certificate so I'm happy about that. Some good information in the class as well. The website the classes are on was directed through another website (you follow that?)  called SARE; Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. The website with the classes is Extension Campus. There are a few more I have my eye on.

I also spent some time today updating the Seed Links listing with some more that I found today. Found a website called Home Garden Seed Association that is basically seed companies joining together for duck-duck-goose or something and that's where I picked up the added companies. There's a few I've never heard of. One company, America Meadows, had some tomato seed packs on sale for $0.99 each so I may pick up a few packs. I even ordered a 2014 catalog already! Anyway check them out if you haven't seen them before. Off to start supper.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Harvest Monday; October 28, 2013

Hello one and all. Beyond the one pepper from a few posts ago a two turnips we picked this weekend, nothing else. I need to update the spreadsheet and hope to do that tonight. Visit Daphne's Dandelions to see what others are harvesting this week.

After the big clean-up Saturday The Boy and I dug the footers for the outbuilding yesterday. Got all 6 done after a tedious layout. Now for the inspection then start on the frame. Whilst we were doing this, The Wife cruised around the garden with her 'good, husband don't touch' camera. Here's her results:

Yeah, look who's working! Quick post, off to eat lunch!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cleaned Up

Got everything pulled out, cleaned up, tilled, fertilized, and pretty much ready for winter.

Midway through the process. Notice the bed with all the weeds? Sad to look at I know.

Looking much better now!

Did the frost get my stuff? The peppers sure felt it.

But in pulling out the plants today I found a gem hidden at the base of one of the plants. 

The Smurfs are moving back in. Seems like I get a few of these every year. 

And as it always happens, I always end up tearing up everything in my path. I tore up one of my water lines going into a bed, ripped the back plate off of the tiller, and broke the garage door opener panel. 

And to top that off I was pulled over yesterday by a town police officer. I got my truck inspected by I haven't had the chance to get my plate sticker. That's what he stopped me for. So after a few minutes he hands me my license back and tells me to have a good day. Thought I got away with it but the citation came in the mail today. $215.00!!!! Pisses me off. 

Off to get a few more things done. And when I say 'a few more things', I mean planning next year's spring crop. I have plenty of ideas. What's yours?

I leave you with The Wife's front decoration.

Cleaning Up For Winter

Well that time of year is upon me to get everything cleaned up in the garden and put most of it to bed for the winter. We had a good frost last night and in knowing this I covered up my cucumbers pretty good. I wasn't worried about the remaining crops (tomatoes, peppers, etc.) as it is their time. I will go and see if I can collect some seeds for next year off of the tomatoes, then I will pull everything out. More on this tonight.

I went out yesterday afternoon and picked the remaining peppers and a few tomatoes. And they were good for supper last night. :)

Covered and Mr. Frost visiting the Sandhills.

Off to work :) See you later!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Harvest Monday - October 21, 2013

Very small harvest but one to be proud of. We actually got two more cucumbers which now brings our cucumber total to probably five for the year. And I spied some more coming in good Sunday but with the temps taking a big dip (as in freezing Thursday night/Friday night) I will need to dig out my covers. I was also able to pick four tomatoes but those plants are pretty much played- out.

The main garden is doing pretty good and I worked on a couple of the raised beds and planted some more radishes. 

The Wife told me she wanted more raised beds so those, along with my building foundations and ton of flower bulbs will be dug this coming weekend. Always busy. Go to Daphne's Dandelions to see how others are doing this week.
WOF of the Week. It's starting to get cold outside kids. Protect you snout!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Harvest Monday - October 14, 2013

It's been a while since I've done a Harvest Monday but with the plethora of peppers I had too. We also got a few eggplants this time but alas no pictures as they were had a few weeks ago. Up to date spreadsheet below and a good picture of most of the peppers in the previous post.

Go on over to Daphne's Dandelions to see what others are getting this week. Good luck!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Finally Home for a Weekend

To start off with this is a picture of my boys fishing weekend before last over at Topsail Island. We did a quick weekend with family from WV.

Last weekend it was a two day paintball tourney from daylight to dark. 

So this weekend I got some work done around the homestead. Weeded the fall crops good. Now just sitting on my butt doing nothing. 

Looks 10 times better now.

I did plant some more cucumbers to see if we could actually get more than a few for the year and it looks like we are. 

I didn't take any photos of the lettuce but it is moving along slowly in spots. And apparently if you just randomly spill seeds it will grow. 

Year of the pepper. The Wife picked these earlier in the week so needless to say we put a lot up this weekend and also tried our hands at home made salsa. Waiting for it to cool down now but I'd say so-so on taste. We usually use the mix you buy in the stores and that always turns out great. 

Another things about all of the peppers is the abundance of seeds I saved. This is just from the green bell peppers this weekend. 

Sorry I haven't been around much but really not too much to blog about but I will try harder. 

WOF of the Week. Pretty much how I feel. 

Lounge around on your day off kids!