This does bring back memories of a few years ago (maybe more) when we still lived in WV. We would head over to The Wife's parents house and trick or treat some houses there. I also distinctly recall that there neighbors on the left side of them never gave out candy. Mind you he wasn't the nicest of people although I wasn't too sure about her. What I remember about her is her blue hair. I kid you not, it was definitely blue. Anyway when trick or treat time came around, these grown- up older adults would turn off all of their lights upstairs and would go sit in the darkness of their basement. I guess the costumes scared them. I don't know as there were probably a lot of reasons for their non- participation. My point is really no point, more of a hope. I hope I never, ever act in that manner. There's nothing better than seeing kids having a good time. And candy? Who can resist?
Clowns are a different story. I hate clowns.