Sunday, June 23, 2013

Half Way Done

Well summer is here and now we are on the downwards slide to fall and *gasp* winter. I know it's coming and I am not looking forward to it. Weather patterns so far this year have been somewhat on the cool side for us and a lot more rain that what we usually get for this time of year. Not that I am complaining too much as I have watered only 2 days all year. So far. Forecast has a chance of rain everyday for the next 6 days. The garden and lawn seem to love it. Just keep away the downpours and we'll be alright.

Cruised the garden this afternoon and I found a few interesting things.

Dug up a red onion. Still not ready.

Romas. They have been ripening a few at a time. I will get about 4-6 every other day. 

Finally got a few cukes to grow. 

Squash is a squash. Actually getting a few off of them this year. 

Brandywine Pink. My favorite tomatoes and I have my eye on this one!

Okra bed. Slow going but it is going. 

These are the Youngest Boy tomatoes. 

Two rows of potatoes came out this afternoon. I wanted to see how they were doing and they actually started getting sprouts. Next weekend the other 4 rows come out. 

Today's harvest of potatoes. Not big but they'll do. I haven't weighed them yet and will do that tomorrow. 

Yesterday's and today's gathering of peppers, tomatoes, & green beans.

Full report of this past weeks' harvest tomorrow.

On another note we have one of those multi- purpose copiers, fax machine, printer, scanner things. Well one of those storms rolled through and cut the power off for a while. Now the main screen on the machine is pretty much illegible to us and we don't know how to turn it back. 

Do svidaniya! comrades. 

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